Implementing the OMNIbus WebGUI in silent mode

After installing the OMNIbus WebGUI you have to implement the properties to direct the WebGUI server to the correct OMNIbus server and the correct authorization source.

To run the configuration wizard in silent mode, which is essential for repeated installations, use the shell script as documented in the manual.

The documentation suggests that you can locate the file in any location. This is not really true.

Inside this file other files are referenced which are provided in the same directory as the properties file.

The following approach worked for me:

I’ve installed the OMNIbus WebGUI server with default values, so it ended up in /opt/IBM/netcool/omnibus_webgui/ directory. In the subdirectory bin I’ve found the file.

Change the file accordingly to your installation and leave it in this directory.  As documented in the manual execute the script from this directory, adding the required activity.

The requires the build.xml in the working directory. build.xml file describes the different callable activities. These are

  • configureOS
  • resetVMM
  • configureVMM
  • restartServer

Through this build.xml file the WebSphere script execution is controlled.

In this xml file, the file is referenced with hard coded path names. Additionally, other XML files are referenced which are expected in the same directory.

So, edit the properties file in the location where you find it. And then execute the ws_ant shell script from this directory…

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